Saturday, 21 January 2012

Secret World

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them.  All of the people of the world, I mean everybody.  No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside, inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds.  Not just one world.  Hundreds of them.  Thousands maybe.”  Neil Gaiman

Easy for talents such as Mr. Gaiman or those before him like Tolkein or C.S. Lewis you say.  But most of us (myself very much included) fall more towards the ‘dull and boring’.  We’re not authors or writers, at least in the traditional sense.  We lack the confidence or wherewithal or imagination or inclination even to write of our world(s), at least as a full time gig.  But if nothing else, the blogiverse has opened up this possibility for hacks, hobbyists and part-timers alike. 

‘Everybody has a secret world inside of them.’  Maybe that’s why many become ‘bloggers’.  They have these amazing secret worlds (fantasy) inside of them bursting to get out.  And in the midst of a seemingly ‘dull and boring’ world (reality), exploring the ‘unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds’ inside their heads seems much more attractive…and somehow this brightens their ‘real’ world. 

Many use their fantastical places to show others the truly fantastic.  Gaiman also said that “the best way to show people true things is from a direction that they had not imagined truth coming.”  Gaiman, Tolkein and Lewis were artists at using fantasy and science fiction genres to ‘show people’ true things in such a way that not only entertained but drew them in, compelling their audience to ‘seek’ truth and meaning and understanding…and very often taking them into the dark to show the light.  They expose their unimaginable, amazing world to tell us true things that aren’t easily seen in the fading light of our ho-hum daily existence.

Now I’ll leave the fantastical story-telling to the pros.  Me? The revelation of truth, no matter how big or how very tiny, IS amazing to me.  I’ll seek the true things wherever they may be found…but they are there to be found.  Not my truth, His truth.  The Truth.  And that’s what I want to write about.  I love and follow Jesus.  I love and serve my wife and three children.  I am a dedicated public servant and likely always will be.  I’m learning to love people more.   I live to serve the King, king and kingdom.  I’m gripped by pop-culture especially rock music, movies and fantasy/science fiction.  I enjoy cooking, I dislike cleaning.  I’m passionate, but have too little patience with those I love.  I ‘think’ all the time.  That’s me. 

For going on three years, I’ve been toying (battling with myself really) with the idea of starting a blog like this. That feeling of ideas and thoughts needing to burst out at constant war with the insecurity of ‘why would anyone else care to know’.  After some healthy needling and encouragement from my wife, here’s where I landed.  I need to do this because taking that ‘thought’ into written word helps me expose the truth of it.  If anyone is interested…wow, that’s kinda cool.  If anyone is misled…it was certainly not my intention.  Any opinions are mine alone and I can only ask for your forgiveness.  If anyone finds ‘truth’ in any of this...for His honour.  Truth is His and was never meant to be kept secret anyway.  So thank you for visiting my secret world…I hope you enjoy your stay!